Mondo design the house to optimise the use and enjoyment of your land and landscape design can enhance that opportunity created by the design. The appearance of the house from without and the outlook from within the house will be improved by following these simple landscape guidelines. Landscape planting can frame view corridors, screen for privacy, filter light, provide shade, and just add the colours of nature to your home lifestyle.

- Frame the front yard with canopy trees that will mature to 6-8 metres diameter.
- Screen the access to service yard from the street with shrubs and small trees that will mature to 2-3 metres high.
- Low shrubs and ground covers lead up to front door.
- Columnar shrubs to 2-3 metres high, ground covers and climbing plants on the fence can make this narrow space a pleasant part of your indoor/outdoor vistas. A great place also for some aromatic herbs.
- Columnar trees to 6-8 metres high with low palms between enhance the back yard privacy and leafy outlook. Liriope and lomandra species work well as a foundation for this type of fence planting.
- Mondo designs build the sense of light and spaciousness by having long vistas through the home and your landscaping can enhance this by locating something special or significant in the garden at the end of the view line. With a pool in the back yard we often use a waterfall or fountain element for this.
- Articulate the outdoor living spaces with landscaping elements that provide subtle screening between different use areas. This can be low level and formal or luxurious and forest like. We often use cascade palms, philodendrons, traveller's palms and strelitzia up close and overhanging the pool edge to provide a tropical bush theme in the back yard.
- The minor bedrooms often have the side fence as an outlook and careful plant selection in front of bedroom windows will bring the outdoors inside while enhancing privacy. Lillypilly, lemon myrtle and Magnolia varieties can work in these spaces. Even the bathroom can feel like it is in a garden setting.
The Mondo Building Professionals team have a wealth of experience and knowledge in design, suppliers, installation and maintenance of landscaping that can assist you to make the most of the land surrounding your house.